They Underestimated Me..

When I was a child, I dreamt being a model. And everyone around me laughed to me and said that is impossible for me because at the moment I am fat and do not tall enough to be a model. I was sad a moment and trusted them that I couldn't be a model even just once in my life. But they are wrong..

Well, 7 years later I attended modeling school and quite expensive only for 3 months. I was save my money for that. (Because none of my parents are supporting me to be a model). And I was be a higher score between my classmate in models school, because o that I always get a jobs from my modeling school for my experience. And voila, I was attending some of fashion shows and photoshoot. So, who ever you are have a big dreams and people around you underestimate you, don't be sad. Just prove it that they are wrong!

Here one of my favorite dress so far for my fashion show. It's from batik-a traditional cloth from Indonesia. And the designer turns it so glamourous looks. 

Shoes : Jeffrey Campbell
Gold Bracelet : Charlies and Keith

Instagram: divandagitadesiani
Twitter: @glaydie


Visa said…
cool dress! and all the best with your modeling dreams :)

Magdalena said…
Such an inspiring story! All the best with your modeling <3 You look gorgeous in that dress !
Unknown said…
Always love Batik..
and I love too if we can follow each other..


visit my blog..
My Journey
mdayomi Bloglovin
Unknown said…
Wow, very nice outfit, lovely dress!

I invite you also to check my blog about Parisian lifestyle and fashion.
noraaradi said…
pretty dress, very pretty! I really like your blog by the way, followed you on bloglovin, maybe follow me back?
kisses and have a nice day,
Isa said…
Would we follow each other on gfc and bloglovin, what do you mean? :) ♥ Isa
wow, you're really awesome! i used to really want to be a model or actress, but my parents never supports me so i guess it will never happened. now that was one of my biggest regret in my life..
anyway, you look gorgeous in that dress <33
Ana Pizarro said…
wowww amazing blog!!!!! and amazing clothes, love your shoes!!!!!
kisses and hugs from

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